Hybrid teaching at Oxford Medical Sciences

Medical Sciences – the seminar room in the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics

This seminar room features a number of specific equipment upgrades, including Nuerva ‘Mist’ combined speaker/microphones systems at the front and rear of the room and a wall-mounted ‘controllable’ camera:




Middle:  the video is controlled by a TA who is able to direct the camera at the presenter, or to a student
for example when asking a question.
A portable secondary monitor is mounted at the side of the main presentation screen
this allows the lecturer to display the online participants to the room
The room is set out as a ‘socially distanced’ teaching space
students are allocated a specific numbered desk for the entire course.


Sessions are therefore delivered from the lectern in the normal fashion (although behind a portable transparent plastic screen if required) and via a Zoom session.

The on-screen materials are displayed on the main screen in the room and shared on Zoom. The audio is picked up from the ceiling-based 2 speaker/mics – these are very effective at picking up voices from all parts of the room.

The video is controlled by a TA who is able to direct the camera at the presenter, or to a student – for example when asking a question.

Lessons learnt:

  • A teaching assistant in the room is essential and ideally someone with subject knowledge
  • Zoom is more effective as it permits a ‘split’ screen approach
  • Interactive sessions are possible – e.g. group discussions, but tend to be less effective as all participants need to take part in Zoom session – this then requires laptops/headphones etc.
  • Some sessions have seen in-person students login to Zoom anyway, in order to see the presentation more clearly
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