Explore big ideas with Oxplore

Screenshot from the Oxplore website with a big question about aliens.

Screenshot from the Oxplore website. Big questions like this one engage young online audiences with research at Oxford.

Colourful, bold and fun. These are only some of the great characteristics of Oxford's outreach platform. This style is somehwat unusual for the 'heritage' brand of the University of Oxford, but the site is incredibly successful with young audiences - and that is what matters in the end!

The website aims at engaging young people in regions not covered by other outreach activities and is particularly addressed at those students who may not previously have considered Oxford. 39 Big Questions are at the heart of the website, all based on the latest research at Oxford. They are supported by more than 550 resources, such as quizzes, articles, videos, podcasts and lists. Trending questions are highlighted on the front page and more interdisciplinary questions are being added continuously, providing new food for thought. 

Oxplore not only supports officers when visiting schools. Teachers are also finding unexpected uses for the website: some have set up lunchtime 'Oxplore Clubs', some use it to stimulate discussion in debating societies and others draw on the site to enhance their own teaching. Oxplore has received very positive response from students and teachers alike.


Oxplore makes you think deeper; it is fun and educational at the same time!

– Student participating in Oxplore activities

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