After ChatGPT: What do we know about generative AI one year in?

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ChatGPT has redefined what we can expect computers to be able to do. Even ChatGPT’s makers were surprised at how many different things its users could think of using it for.

On the one year anniversary of the release of ChatGPT, this webinar will introduce our recently published report Beyond ChatGPT: State of AI in Academic Practice

What is it?

The webinar will try to answer the question: 'Now that we’ve had ChatGPT and other tools for a year, what do we know and what should we expect in the future.' In particular, it will cover:

  1. 5 lessons from the ChatGPT revolution
  2. Developments in what generative AI tools can do
  3. Developments in knowledge about how we can get the most out of AI
  4. Developments in different uses AI has been put to
  5. Developments in the response from the higher education sector around the world 

Please note this event will not be recorded.

How can you register?

Please register via this short Teams form.

Who should attend?

All staff and students at Oxford are invited to attend.

Who is organising it?

The Reading and Writing Innovation Lab, Centre for Teaching and Learning.

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